Shenmue 3 is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by Neilo and Ys Net, scheduled to be published by Deep Silver on Nov 19, 2019, for Windows (PC) and PlayStation 4. The story continues teenage martial artist Ryo Hazuki's quest to find his father's killer in 1980s China.
Platform(s): PC, PS4
Release date: November 19, 2019
Release date: November 19, 2019
The Shenmue series was never an enormous commercial success, but thanks in part to Kickstarter and thousands of fans' hard-earned dollars (plus some liberal funding from Sony), the project is fully underway. In Shenmue 3, you'll take the role of a martial artist named Ryo Hazuki as he attempts to uncover who is responsible for his father's murder. It promises to have gameplay reminiscent of the previous titles, qualifying players to take on enemies in hand-to-hand combat, upgrade combat abilities, and explore a living world full of villages, shops, and an active crowd.